The following Covid-19 advice is from our capacity provider AXA XL and covers:
- Properties temporarily closed during the outbreak
- Properties unoccupied prior to the outbreak
- Survey requirements
Properties temporarily closed solely due to the Covid-19 outbreak
Businesses are now facing unprecedented challenges posed by measures to counter Coronavirus (Covid-19) as premises are temporarily closed due to public health quarantines.
It is our intention for situations where insured buildings are temporarily closed solely due to the Covid-19 outbreak, any Unoccupied Building Conditions in AXA XL policies will not apply and no additional premium or amended terms will apply until 31 May 2020. If Covid-19 related restrictions on normal activity are still in force as we approach the 31 May 2020 date, AXA XL will review the position and update our guidance accordingly.
These guidelines would not, and do not, extend to any premises unoccupied before the Covid-19 outbreak (i.e. before the date of Public Health shutdowns) nor where premises become permanently vacant. In these circumstances please contact Touchstone Underwriting in line with the existing policy terms and conditions. In addition, this guidance does not override any other policy conditions. – see below for further comments.
In the event that your clients premises do become temporarily vacated, you should still inform Touchstone Underwriting as soon as reasonably practicable. Best practice guidance is set out below but if you need help to tailor these actions to the client’s specific risk circumstances, please contact us.
- Site Security – check perimeter fences and gates are in good state of repair and operational
- External lighting – check lighting and any associated movement sensors are operational
- Building Physical Security – check window and door locks plus any security shutters are operational. The use of external key safes should not be used
- Access Control – check to ensure operational and maintained
- CCTV – check to ensure operational and maintained including recording and any remote monitoring
- Intruder Alarm – check to ensure fully operational and maintained including offsite remote monitoring. Reduction in Police response or keyholder availability to be advised to Touchstone Underwriting
- Where possible maintain a core staff on site that could respond to an emergency
- Automatic Sprinkler protection should remain fully operational and maintained. Weekly testing should continue with guidance sought as to whether this can still be supported whilst adhering to social distancing. Ensure building heat is maintained at a safe level to prevent damage to sprinkler and process piping
- Automatic Fire Alarm – check to ensure the system is fully operational and maintained including offsite remote monitoring
- Fire doors – ensure all internal fire doors and shutters are closed
- Where large car parks are vulnerable to incursion and potential fly-tipping, additional denial of access security measures should be considered
- Inspections – where possible arrangements should be made for a weekly internal and external site inspection with guidance sought as to whether this can be supported whilst adhering to social distancing
- Waste – internal and external waste to be removed from site and external storage located a minimum of 10m from the building
- Utilities (electrical, water, heating) – where practical, shutdown and isolate / drain any non-essential utility services that are not required for operational reasons, maintaining minimum temperatures to prevent freezing or power circuits for protection
- Follow the proper procedures to execute safe and proper shut down of equipment and machinery
- Eliminate all controllable sources of ignition such as hot work or smoking
- Ensure the intranet is completely isolated from the public network or the firewall is impenetrable. There should be no cyber risk during the idle period. Ensure that the UPS is functional
- Develop plans and procedures for a safe start-up of the plant once the situation is back to normal. Follow the proper procedures for the safe start-up of machinery and equipment. Don’t take short-cuts to speed up the start-up process.
Properties unoccupied prior to COVID-19 outbreak
Please refer any individual cases where clients cannot comply with current unoccupancy conditions
- Refer new risks where a survey is normally required (pre quotation)
- Existing business – refer if survey extension is required