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LearnPad Sessions
Crisis Management Awareness
Discover the importance of crisis management within a Tour Operators Liability policy
Presenter: Gareth Thomas, Partner at Kennedys
Property Underinsurance Epidemic
Concerned about the growing trend of underinsurance and the impact of rising construction costs on your clients’ policies
Presenter: Alan Spivey, ACII Director and Ewan Sanderson from RebuildCostASSESSMENT.com
Claims Under the Package Travel Regulations
In partnership with Kennedys, we’ll explore what constitutes a “package” holiday, the legal basis for personal injury claims, quality complaints and claims, and recoveries.
Presenter: Gareth Thomas, Partner at Kennedys
Package Travel Regulations
We will take you through The Package Travel & Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018 and what a ‘package’ actually means and who it applies to. Presenter: Stuart Burt FInstTT, Director
Difficult to Place Property & High Sums Insured
Learn how to deal with difficult to place properties and high sums insured. We will talk through the various cover options available and what they all mean. Presenter: Alan Roe ACII, FInstSM Managing Director
Insuring Hotels
We will go through the various elements to consider when insuring a hotel.
Presenter: Glen Gibbons ACII, Divisional Director of Hospitality & Leisure
Product Overview
Travel Liability
All you need to know about our Travel Liability cover.
Mid Corp Commercial Combined
Our Mid Corp Commercial Combined product offers flexible, bespoke cover across a wide range of industry sectors.
BIBA 2018
Thank you to everyone who visited us at #BIBA2018.
Broker Expo 2018
A summary of Touchstone Underwriting at Broker Expo 2018 in Coventry