Key actions when acquiring and developing a new site.
Premises are, arguably, the second most important asset a business has (after workers).
Customers and visitors will get an initial impression from the exterior and surroundings, plus it will house essential equipment, materials and stock so businesses need to be able to rely upon it.
Most of the time, businesses purchase or lease a site that is already constructed, and so they need to look out for features that might not be suitable for their business activities, or, on the other hand, that are necessary for safe operations. Additionally, they’ll want to check for environmental dangers in the form of flooding, subsidence, heave, exposure, pollution, noise, crime rates and other potential threats to health, safety and security.
Once a suitable site is found, a business owner will need to assess what features or enhancements must be added to make it as safe and secure as possible and get them installed by competent people.
Find out what the key actions when acquiring and/or developing a site plus useful templates for readying premises.