Over the past year, Touchstone Underwriting has been making a difference to the lives of people affected by Dementia through its partnership with Insurance United Against Dementia (IUAD).

IUAD is the Alzheimer’s Society campaign that is sweeping the Insurance sector, uniting both individuals and firms through events such as the recent Insurance Day of Giving 2018.

One person in the UK develops dementia every three minutes. With limited treatments and no cure, the time to act is now. The IUAD campaign aims to raise £10M over five years, with the money directly benefiting dementia research at the groundbreaking UK Dementia Research Institute. With £1M already committed to the campaign through corporate partnerships, personal gifts and special events, they are already making an impact.

We were one of the first firms in the industry to choose IUAD as a charity partner. Since then employees have been active and digging deep to make their contributions to the cause.

February 2018 saw Alan, David E, Sam, Rebekah and Sinead all pledge to run, walk or cycle 200km during the month, an incredible feat which raised £610.

September saw two brilliant events: the infamous Tough Mudder Challenge, which saw Alan, Mike, Harry, Simon, Priya, Lauren and Zoe take on the brutal obstacle course and raise £1,861.05 in the process; and the Touchstone Underwriting golf day at Woolston Manor Golf Club, which raised a fantastic £2,800.

Following the commitment and dedication of our employees to the IUAD cause, Alan and Priya generously presented Alzheimer’s Society with a cheque for £1,000 of matched funds from their parent company, Seventeen Group, boosting the tireless efforts of the fundraisers to date.

Alan Roe, Managing Director, said:

“We attended the launch of the IUAD in October 2017 at the Old Library in Lloyds. To learn that very little money was being put aside for research in Alzhiemer’s/Dementia came as a bit of a shock. Hearing that the insurance industry was launching IUAD we felt compelled to offer our support for a three-year period with an aim to raise £50,000.

Most of us have had contact with Alzhiemer’s/Dementia through family and friends and know how upsetting this can be for all concerned.

Last year we raised funds by participating in ‘Miles for Memories’ during February, hosting a charity golf day and taking part in Tough Mudder. This year however, our big events are cycle rides including London to Bruges, London to Brighton and London to Paris, ALL ON A TANDEM!! We are very much excited to be supporting IUAD in all their efforts to not only promote Alzhiemer’s but to raise funds to help find a cure.”

There are no plans for our activities to slow down, with Alan and Mike getting on their bike for a special three-part tandem challenge this year. The pair will take on the London to Paris, London to Brighton and London to Bruges events routes. More details to follow.

To find out more about Insurance United Against Dementia and how you can get involved:

Visit the website: www.alzheimers.org.uk/iuad

Follow on Twitter: @InsuranceUAD

Follow the LinkedIn page: Insurance United Against Dementia

Join the LinkedIn group: Insurance United Against Dementia